Friday 6 January 2017

Comp test kpp01

Hey, just want to post an entry about computer test. I took the test on last Thursday at Nilai and guess what? I passed the test with a mark of 46 out of 50 question. I thought I can get 50 but it's ok as long as I passed the test. The owner of the driving school said that every computer has 10 different set of question. So everyone's question is not same. (There's no chance on cheating LOL haha) it's base on luck what kind of question you will get whether it is hard or easy. Before taking the test, you need to read the book that had been given to you. Also, you can download some example question at apple store or playstore. Oh ya, you can also buy jpj coupon at driving institute. On that coupon, there is blindcolour test, study, teory test, and history. Firstly, you must take the blindcolour test and you can start study before taking the teory test. There is 10 chances for the teory test. You can see where you bad at with the history section. It is worth it. 1/2 question will come out when you're taking the actual computer test, trust me. So I think that's all for now.  I will be getting the Learners Driving License (LDL) and I can't wait to get it!

*idk why I use 'you' maybe because I get used to it. I even used it in exams to write an essay. What can I say? XD

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Review; NH Vege F'bre

Last year (on December) I had tried to diet and using NH Vege F'bre so now I want to review about this product. I don't like the smell and I don't like the taste. I add on one spoon of honey to make it more tasty. Not bad, at least I can drink it LOL. I consume this for 7 day and I also exercise at treadmill for 30+ minute everyday. I think it doesn't work for me.... or I think I need to consume it for one month to get a good result haha. It's also good because I'll go to toilet after 8 hours consuming it. You'll see your poop with green colour but don't worry it's normal 

Day 1: 63.3kg
Day 2: 63.2kg
Day 3: 63.2kg
Day 4: 62.7kg
Day 5: 62.9kg
Day 6: 63kg
Day 7: 63.1kg

It doesn't really have a big change...


Tahun lepas (bulan disember) aku cuba diet and cuba satu produk detox NH Vege F'bre so aku nak bagi testimoni sikit pasal produk ni. Sejujurnya, aku tak suka bau & rasa benda tu. Warna hijau pula tu, memang kurang selera sikit nak minum tu. Tapi aku tambahkan satu sudu madu & rasa dia lagi ok la. Aku pernah jugak dengar orang letak susu soya tapi aku tak pernah try lagi la. Aku minum benda ni dalam masa 7 hari & tiap-tiap hari tu aku lari kat treadmill selama 30+ minit. Aku rasa benda ni tak sesuai dengan aku sebab berat aku turun sikit je lepstu menaik balik haahah. Tapi sebenarnya aku rasa kena minum benda ni dalam masa sebulan baru nampak kesannya tapi nak buat macam mana, aku stop minum sebab bendanya dah habis. Aku kongsi dengan mak aku tapi dapat minum dalam 7 hari je sebab dah habis LOL hahahah. Tapi benda ni ada jugak kebaikannya sebab dia akan buat kita 'membuang'. Lepas 8 jam je dah dapat rasa nak 'membuang' tu. Memang bagus la untuk siapa yang ada masalah susah nak lawas. Masa 'membuang' tu, najis akan jadi warna hijau tapi jangan risau sebab benda tu normal je. Yelah kan, sebab minum air hijau keluar la hijau, ye dok? Aku listkan berat aku selama 7 hari;

Day 1: 63.3kg
Day 2: 63.2kg
Day 3: 63.2kg
Day 4: 62.7kg
Day 5: 62.9kg
Day 6: 63kg
Day 7: 63.1kg

Happy new year 2017!

Hello, and happy new year! On 31st December of 2016 at around 11.30, I went to Putrajaya to watch 'Lampu' festival but sadly there was nothing at all. Just a lot of stall and a loud music (deejay) I thought it might be interesting but I'm kind of disappointed because it doesn't look like what people talked about the festival or maybe we were late so that's why there was nothing left. Never mind because we all watched fireworks at 12AM after really a long time. When I was a kid, we used to watch fireworks when it comes to new year and now not anymore because my parents didn't have a good condition of health. They're become older and so do I. The fireworks were so short (I mean the time of fireworks to explode) I wish there were more but maybe the government doesn't have money since they need to give BR1M and what-so-ever. So let's back to the topic. For this year, I don't really have hope LOL. I just watched Love Rain. It was Korean drama. I think it is my first Korean drama that I get to finish watching it. I really enjoyed the drama because the hero of the drama (Jang Geun Suk) does look like my ex (LOL what an excuse *roll eyes*) Oh and there were 2 of my classmate ask me to work at Nando's at Cyberjaya. It seems fun to work there because I heard the salary is good hahaha. I think I want to work there but I still need to think about it. If I want to work there, maybe I will start by February month. Ok that's all because tomorrow I have to take computer test for driving license (kpp1) so I have to wake up early...... Wish me luck (if there is someone reading this but I guess there's no one *laughing)

Saturday 24 December 2016


Hi, this is the first and the last entry for 2016 (I guess so) Just want to say that I had transfer to another school for this year. It is SMK Cyber. Also, I had SPM this year. I glad that I can understand add math better at this school but overall I think I had screwed up all those paper. I hope that I can get 5A's and above including all credit and no fail but I don't know how to hope anymore... Ok now it is the end of 2016. It is 6 day before 2017. I don't want to describe my feelings for this year, my new experience at new school, new friend and new faces that I knew after 11 month in this school. It is challenging to be the new kid at the school *chuckle*. Now I'm getting the driver license (auto). I've done KPP01 course, and now I want to take the computer test but sadly I don't get the book to study at home. It's okay because my father had gave me a coupon to study about the test in the internet. After done taking the license, I want to work at Alamanda. I hope there's shop that wanted a worker. Can't wait to work!

Thursday 12 February 2015


Hi. New year, new story. Cerita tahun lepas tinggal memory je. First of all, pasal pt3. Bagi aku keputusan tu tak memuaskan. Menyedihkan ada la. Haha. Tapi alhamdulillah aku dapat kelas c. Kelas akaun. Subjek elektif dalam kelas tu ialah prinsip perakaunan, ekonomi asas dan add math. What?! Add math? Pergh. Math moden pun dah fail apatah lagi add math. Haha redha je la. Study hard la sikit. Tiap tiap malam buat homework. Tak pernah takde homework. Tapi kenapa aku rasa tahun lepas macam takde homework eh? Ke aku yang tak buat? K faham. Hahaha. Pasal post aku yang tahun lepas; nak belajar cintakan matematik tu sembang je lebih. Bulan 1 je study. Lepastu buku sepah atas meja. Tu la, dulu tak belajar sangat. Sekarang ni aku yang menyesal sebab banyak formula yang aku tak tau. Fuh sedih sungguh. So for this year kena study hard sikit la. Eh bukan sikit tapi banyak. Oklah sampai sini je la first post aku for 2015 ni. Bye. Much love, xoxo

Saturday 7 June 2014

What happen?

Assalamualaikum hi. Sekarang pukul 1:06 pagi.
Entah kenapa aku takleh tidur. So aku rasa nak update lah blog ni.
Sebab dah lama tak post pape kat sini. Kali ni aku on guna ipad.
So, tulisan tak warna-warni sebab takleh buat. Nahh, it's okay.
Sekarang aku dah tak belajar math dengan ayah. Taktau la nape tapi aku malas.
Ya Allah. Apa yang dah jadi ni.
Memang lah aku nak start belajar balik dengan ayah. Tapi aku malu.
Malu sebab aku ni pemalas sangat. Lagipun ayah sakit pinggang.
Hm nak belajar sendiri jangan harap lah. Oh ye.
Haritu ada exam. Entah laa aku rasa aku boleh je jawab semua.
Tapi aku tak tau apa laa markah yang aku akan dapat. Harap-harap tak ada lah gagal.
Cakap pasal pelajaran, ni nak cakap sikit pasal kelas D. Hm semuanya okay je.
Cikgu baik-baik. Kawan sekelas pun okay laa.
So far aku tak rasa lagi yang kelas ni teruk. Dulu aku selalu fikir yang budak kelas belakang tak cerdik laa bagai.
Tapi sekarang baru aku tau semua sama je. Tak ada yang pandai.
Kalau dah pandai takyah laa sekolah. Kan? 
Em okay laa. Sambung esok je.
Banyak lagi yang aku nak cerita. Tapi aku taknak laa cerita dalam satu entry sekali gus.
Pening kepala nanti. Haha.
Insha Allah aku sambung tulis esok. 😊

Wednesday 29 January 2014


Lama sudah nda tulis ini blog. Rindu bah sama ini blog.

Ceh ceh cakap sabah pulak haha. Sekarang dah masuk tahun 2014 dah.

Berbagai-bagai rintangan yang dah aku lalui. Terima kasih 2013 atas segala kenangan-kenangan yang indah.

Bersyukur juga ke hadrat Ilahi. Alhamdulillah aku masih diberi peluang untuk hidup sampailah ke hari ini.

Sekarang jugak aku dah masuk form 3. Semuanya okay je.

Tapi ada satu perkara yang buat aku sedih. Sedih sebab tak dapat banggakan ibu ayah.

Yang aku tahu cuma nak malukan parents je hm. Aku dah turun kelas.

Sampai ke kelas D aku masuk. Bayangkanlah daripada darjah 3 aku asyik masuk first class je.

Tup-tup masuk kelas D. Haaa hamik kau.

Terkejut terus. Aku masuk kelas D bukan sebab result aku semua teruk-teruk.

Tapi ada satu subject killer yang buat aku fail. Iaitu maths.

Ugh aku memang lemah bab matematik ni. Aku dapat markah 33. 

Teruk kan. Aku tak salahkan sesiapa.

Tak salahkan cikgu. Jauh sekali nak salahkan parents.

Maybe ni semua salah aku sebab tak reti nak ulangkaji. Aku tahu ada hikmah di sebalik semua ni.

Allah nak uji aku. Mungkin selama ni aku tak endah pasal pelajaran.

Dan sekarang baru aku sedar. Betul ada hikmah disebalik kegagalan aku.

Allah itu maha adil. Dan aku dah tanamkan dalam hati yang aku nak belajar 'cintakan' maths.

Mana boleh selama-lamanya tak suka math. Dan tiap-tiap malam ayah bersemangat ajar aku maths.

Dia nak aku berjaya. Bukannya nak seksa aku ke apa.

Sebab ibu dan ayah nak masa depan aku cerah. Ada pekerjaan yang bagus.

Bila tengok cara ayah ajar aku, nampak sangat dia nak aku berjaya. Aku rasa bersalah kat ayah and ibu.

Dan satu hari nanti, aku nak banggakan ayah dan ibu. Ayah selalu cakap 'KALAU ORANG LAIN BOLEH BUAT, KITA PUN PASTI BOLEH BUAT'

Itulah kata-kata yang aku pegang sampai sekarang. Semuanya tak mustahil.






Sekian, terima kasih.